DIY Sneakers Section For Single Product Page




The Client

Hpyaron is an Israeli store owner who runs the Vintagehavana clothing and footwear business. It is a brand that sells good quality clothes and shoes.


Hpyaron would like to develop a website for DIY sneakers design - the idea is to let the end consumer have a free hand to design his shoe and let him order self-designed shoes. The idea is to build a bank of materials, and let the consumer to change materials for every piece of the shoe.


The idea is to build a bank of materials, and let the consumer to change materials for every piece of the shoe. The base structure of the shoe is fixed, and the upper is built from 12 parts:

  1. A - small back piece
  2. B - back side panel
  3. C - main side panel
  4. D - star
  5. E - eye stay
  6. F - lip
  7. G - low toung piece
  8. H - high toung piece
  9. I - laces
  10. J - toung lable
  11. K - side panel logo
  12. L - lining

the idea is to build a bank of materials, and let the consumer to change materials for every piece of the shoe.




Finally, I built a bank of materials, and let the consumer to change materials for every piece of the shoe. It looks so professional pretty UI UX. This is the output,

Shopping Basket